Meta India Takes Stringent Actions Against Foul Content
Meta India Takes Stringent Actions Against Foul Content
Meta has emerged as an important and formidable technological organisation around the globe. It is capable of conducting multi-management operations. It can handle Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. All the three are most widely used social networking entities used by billions every day.
However, like any other technological organisation, Meta is also very highly vulnerable to bad content.
On 12th January 2022, Meta removed 29.2 million pieces of bad content. Facebook and Instagram have been the largest recipients of foul elements and spam.
In the month of October 2022, the organisation received several cases through its grievance mechanism. An approximate figure estimated and obtained is 703.
Out of a total of 187 reports which required specialised review, the organisation has taken action against 120 reports as per the Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Code Ethics Rules (2021).
The remaining 67 were reviewed but no proper action was taken against them.
Additionally, through the grievance mechanism system, Instagram received more than 1,377 reports. Tools and solutions were provided for 982 cases. The tools include self-remediation flows and pre-established channels.
Out of the 395 reports, the conglomerate took punitive action against 274 reports. The other 121 were thoroughly reviewed but not auctioned in any way.
The company stated that the number of pieces of content which normally include: (posts, videos and comments) they take action go against standards.
The action involves removing a piece of content from Facebook or Instagram or those content which is disturbing and irrelevant to certain audiences and viewers.